GalaxyControl <DEV>    Crypto Space Commander - GRP/GFC conversion rate   v0.1
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GRP per GFC conversion rate (Trades) Amount of GRP paid for one GFC currency as per market trades
Rate (raw)
Rate (1d avg)
Rate (7d avg)
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GRP per GFC conversion rate as per market trades DB: 0s, Sys: 0s
This graph is based on the performed trades in the CSC ingame marketplace. It takes all commodities into the basket that have had at least three trades in each of the currencies GRP and GFC to reduce outliers. The amount of commodities that qualified each day is shown by the 'basket size' graph.
For all items in this basket the conversion rate between the GRP and GFC price is calculated and then these values are averaged across the basket to create the daily average.
In my view this evaluation is the most accurate, since it uses real performed trades as basis. However since the trade volume is rather low, the basket size is quite small and a lot of fluctuation occurs. The seven day average gives a better trending picture.

GRP per GFC conversion rate (Orderbooks) Amount of GRP paid for one GFC currency as per market orderbooks
Rate (raw)
Rate (1d avg)
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GRP per GFC conversion rate as per market orderbooks DB: 0s, Sys: 0s
This graph is based on the orderbooks in the CSC ingame marketplace, thus what is currently being offered and might lead to a trade. Only the sell orders are being analyzed.
It takes all commodities into the basket that have at least five sell orders in each of the currencies GRP and GFC to reduce outliers. Furthermore for GRP the lowest sell order needs to have a price of above 1000 GRP and for GFC the limit is 5 GFC. The amount of commodities that qualified each day is shown by the 'basket size' graph.
For all items in this basket the conversion rate between the lowest GRP and GFC order is calculated and then these values are averaged across the basket to create the daily average.
In my view this evaluation is good as a comparison, since it has a much larger basket size. However these values only represent what is being proposed and not what is really traded. Furthermore is can easily be manipulated by manipulating the orderbooks.

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